

Jordan B Peterson 12 Rules for life -Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B Peterson 12 Rules for Life - Jordan B. Peterson. In this article, we will look at the author's identity and his mindset. 

Jordan B. Peterson

Jordan B. Peterson

He is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Raised in the frigid wastelands of Northern Alberta, he has flown a hammerhead roll in a carbon-fiber stunt plane and built a Kwagu'l ceremonial big house on the upper floor of his Toronto home after being invited into and named by that Canadian First Nation. He's taught mythology to lawyers, doctors, and business people, consulted for the UN Secretary-General, helped his clinical clients manage depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety, and lectured extensively in North America and Europe. With his students and colleagues, Dr. Peterson has published over a hundred scientific papers, and his book Maps of Meaning revolutionized the psychology of religion. Formerly a professor at Harvard University, he was nominated for its prestigious Levenson Teaching Prize.

‘What's refreshing about Peterson is his brutal common sense

Tim Stanley, Daily Telegraph

‘Everyone must read 12 Rules For Life, by Jordan B. Peterson.

It is the most enlightening book I have read in ages. Google him

if you like, if it makes you feel better. It will, by the way. His

YouTube lectures are amazing for all sorts of reasons. But get the

book, that is the most important thing. And then read it. And then

pass it on to a friend, or even better, an enemy' Chris Evans

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